Awww... look how cute these tiny socks turned out! I've had one sock done for months and decided to finally finish the other this week. These will go in the "baby items for my prego friends" stash.
Get this, I ALMOST ran out of yarn. EEEK! Seriously! I only has a mere 32" left. Whew... that would have so sucked if I would have ran out because I bought this yarn at a yarn store down town years ago.

I don't even know if they carry the brand anymore. Over the years, I've knitted 2 baby hats (including this
one from February) and these socks. I probably would have found it online somewhere, but what a pain that would have been. Anyway, back to the miters for a sec. My dear pseudo-English best friend is finding out the sex of her baby next week. Hurray! So I'll be able to start on something cheeky for her.
Oooo we're going to the canyons today to a picnic with a friend. I'll try to snap some photos and post them. Our Utah canyons are so beautiful and today is a perfect day for camera-ing!