In case you are wondering... how Bosco is fairing, he's doing quite well! We actually found him a better home with some good friends who can love and be with him and go along with his high-maintenance needs, and I am happy to say I CAN BREATHE!! I didn't realize how badly I was allergic to him until he'd been out of the house for a few weeks. We visit him often, but we do miss that big guy.
In case you are wondering... how the garden is growing, it's finally taking off! Especially the lettuce! Which is strange because my understanding is that lettuce is a spring/fall crop--too hot for the summer. But it seems to be doing well in my backyard.

In case you are wondering... how the knitting is coming along, actually I've only knit a small washcloth for friend who requested one to go with some soap. So really, nothing is currently happening in the knitting department.
In case you are wondering... how my new job is going, so far I really like it! I'm exhausted when I get home, but I like how fast paced it is and the time seems to fly by. And of course the pastries and cookies and candies and yummy sandwiches and salads are a special bonus. Man her peanut butter cookies are to die for!