Square foot garden: In progress. 2 out of the 4 boxes are complete, thanks to my amazing james. I've yet to buy the soil because we had an unexpected large car repair to deal with which ate into our budget by $500. Ouch. Why buy the soil, you ask? SFG requires a special mix of soil that never needs replacing (just a scoop of good compost when replanting a new crop), but I do have to buy it. It's a mix that will be virtually weed free and holds water incredibly well. There is no price to large for weed free gardening. Hopefully next week I can get started on the soil.
The seed starts are doing well! I have lots of lettuce, peppers and tomatoes. The onions did not do well for some reason. Here's their progress.
Aida: Dearest Aida has still been in timeout for the majority of the month. I did let her come out and play for some cookies to give to a friend but other than that, she has been admired from a far. The good news is, some (as in 10! -woo hoo!) of the unwanted pounds she contributed to have disappeared! Of course not as much as I'd like (Lake Powell only a few weeks away! Yikes!) but it's a good start. (Don't worry Rebecca - I have years of grand plans for Aida. She is still much appreciated!)
Soap: Two of three batches turned out. And much has been given as gifts. However, the coconut scented one is not presentable due to the fact it turns your hands brown. It doesn't stain, but I would worry it turning a hand towel brown or something awful like that. We didn't use the pigment right and it didn't mix in very well. I don't think I'll be using the pigments anyway, because I want the more natural colors in my soaps. I shall be making more soon! Just need to purchase olive oil. (Everything in my creative life cost money we don't have right now)
Oh speaking of soap, a friend of my mom's heard I was making soap and gave me some fascinating items! She used to help her family make soap and gave me a precious chunk of soap she'd made with her mother-in-law. Her mother-in-law used it for laundry for most of her life!

The recipe calls for water, tallow and lye - just a basic good soap. Though she told me not to use it because it's pretty harsh. She also gave me some handmade powdered soap made by an Amish lady. Neat! I love those kind of nostalgic things.
Knitting: As of late, not much knitting has gone on around here. Still working on the green monkeys a bit though. #1 is almost done. I'm thinking of tackling another felt bag...we'll see.
Weather: The Spring weather is FINALLY here! We've had days- yes, I said days, of sunny and warm temperatures! It's suppose to be a bit chilly and rainy this weekend, but as long as it doesn't snow, I am a happy girl.