...sheepdogs in their full glory are so incredible they can bring a tear to one's eyes. We got a hold of some free tickets to the National Sheepdog Championships in the beautiful Soldier Hollow. The last time I was there was for the 2002 Olympics Cross Country event. I had forgotten how beautiful the Midway area is. Like the land storybooks are made of.
We arrived on the scene to a crowd of about 3 or 4 thousand people silently watching a boarder collie and his handler perform in top form.

I was amazed at the silence of this size of crowd! Maybe that's just protocol--as with golf and tennis crowds. The whole competition was about how well the dog and handler heard sheep from the hillside, through narrow gate openings and then sorts out marked sheep, which is called shedding, from the larger flock. And then put that smaller group in a pen. All without actually touching or nipping at the sheep.

I know, it sounds boring but in action is quite amazing. When I saw the first dog eagerly react to his handlers whistles and hand signals, it was like I got a glimpse of what this dog was truly made for. It was a demonstration of obedience, submission, trust and pure love.
We arrived on the scene to a crowd of about 3 or 4 thousand people silently watching a boarder collie and his handler perform in top form.

I was amazed at the silence of this size of crowd! Maybe that's just protocol--as with golf and tennis crowds. The whole competition was about how well the dog and handler heard sheep from the hillside, through narrow gate openings and then sorts out marked sheep, which is called shedding, from the larger flock. And then put that smaller group in a pen. All without actually touching or nipping at the sheep.

I know, it sounds boring but in action is quite amazing. When I saw the first dog eagerly react to his handlers whistles and hand signals, it was like I got a glimpse of what this dog was truly made for. It was a demonstration of obedience, submission, trust and pure love.

.... not only is pressure cooker canning (of which I have yet to brave) a dangerous task, but water bath canning is also quite hazardous. In cooking up a glorious batch ginger peach jam this weekend, I now have a nasty pea sized burn above my left eye to go along with the steam burn on my left arm I got last week which is just under a burn I got from the lip of the canner a few weeks ago. I'm sure my bakery co-workers wondered what happened to the self-proclaimed boring "quite" newbie (I have deemed myself boring because I do not seem to lead a drama filled life as most everyone there seems to and they have deemed me as "quite"-which I have heard many times in my life). Especially if they've noticed the burns on my left arm. I can only imagine their minds exploring all possibilities of what my life is really like.
... having my james cook the main dish while having friends each bring yummy side dishes, yields a much more enjoyable time of backyard gatherings for me. I did make a peach galette with homemade whipped cream, but that is easy shmeezy considering the usual dining fare I attempt to create.
... in the past this holiday has been one of those weird holidays I don't understand but capitalize on the time off from work, but this year I realized it is a celebration of the American laborer. We did indeed celebrate - human and canine alike.
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