My James surprised me with flowers the day before Valentine's Day. (He has a hard time hiding surprises from me.) These little purple ones in the bouquet are my fav. He also got me a little box of chocolates and a cute, lovey card. He's not a greeting card holiday kinda guy, but he sacrifices his "anti-ness" because he's knows I would probably be sad if he didn't celebrate it with me. What a great guy he is.
I made him Kahlua flavored chocolate fudge. It was quite good. I made it with Kahlua that Lisa made. Next time though I think I'll make it with a bit more Kahlua because the taste is just too faint. I also handmade and water colored a card with a lovey quote on the front, something that I think will be a tradition. (I made him one last year, too.)
And here's our Valentine Dog Bosco. (Pardon the fuzziness. His face was just too cute in this one.)
PS the leftover fudge has been sent with James to his guys night tonight because we are, after all going to Powell in 90 days! Yay!!
PPS the treadmill is being well used :)
That is so great Becca!!! Lisa home makes Kahlua?? That is crazy awesome. I LOVE reading your blog!!!
Hahah. Nice. I'm subscribing to your RSS feed. I had no idea that so many of my friends blogged!
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