I took this photo last week. It's a lilac bud from my lilac bush. It was 73 degrees that day. Today its about 36 degrees and we woke up to 4 inches, and counting, of SNOW! I'm trying to stay positive because we do need the water.
In the meantime I've been enjoying the lilac scented soap my mom and I made on Saturday. It's a blend of olive oil, coconut oil, and shea butter. I can't use it just yet though. It has to cure for about a month (3 months for superior lather). But the smell is filling our home with Spring!

Doesn't it look like white chocolate fudge or a cream cheese treat? I think today I'll make a goat's milk, oatmeal, honey blend soap. The goat's milk I picked up from a local goat dairy. I love it because all the goats have names! Next time I'll try to get a picture of them. They are just hilarious.
My james thinks I'm crazy because I dream of living on a small working farm with a goat, a few sheep, some bunnies, maybe a cow and 4 or 5 chickens. Why is that crazy, you ask? Well, I'm severely allergic to any animals with fur. But I can handle it, I think. I grew up living with cats and we have 2 dogs-only one I'm really allergic to mind you (Sebastian has hair, not fur). I'm accustom to living on decongestants and antihistamines. Dimetapp and I became good friends when I was little. I think I could maybe survive a season of farm life experience.
Aida update: We've made a few batches of my "Becca's Best Chocolate Chip Cookies" since she's been in time-out. Most were given away but a few were eaten and a much welcomed treat.