Finally! I was able to catch some much coveted sunlight on one of my days off this week. Thus it resulted in some knitting picts of my recent FOs (finished objects). I'm working on a birthday gift and a few other Christmas gifts today that I just may have picts for as long as Mr. Sun decides to stay and play.
I look a little giddy because I have been working on this darn cowl since freaking FEBRUARY!! Seriously!
I've also finished mitts for Sophie, who shall be visiting soon! Here parents are my good friends that are coming home from the UK for a Christmas visit. I'm soo very excited.
I found the pattern for the mitts free on Ravelry. If you are a knitter (ehh humm - Rebecca & RaeLynn) Ravelry is a MUST. I know I've said it before, but seriously I use it and check it more than my facebook or myspace pages. It's the clearing house of all things knitterly available on the web. The best resource I've ever found.
I will leave you with this sweet little bobble washcloth-- pattern also available for free, found via the beloved Ravelry.
ravelry website duly noted, becca. i will check it out for sure!
that is a gorgeous cowell neck thingy and the mittens are beautiful, but i have come to expect nothing less from my own knitting guru :)
oops, i just read that you have to approve my comment which means i was and i wasn't a complete idiot depending on how one looks at that ;)
Well to be completely honest I have never denied a comment from you :) But I'll let you know if I ever do.
hhhhm, i wonder what one has to do to be denied a comment on your knitter's blog. you're always so sweet, i can't imagine what it would take but the naughty side of me wants to know. hehehehe
if i write 'booty' will i be denied? if i tell you that knitting is for retards or crocheting is the supreme fibre art will it happen? this is an interesting challenge when you're stuck at home, bored, after days and days of christmas decorating......
Actually the only way I ever deny any comment from anyone is if it was spam or the likes. I think you are safe :)
Guess what....snow is falling here!! I'm not so sure about picts though. I need to get a good one with ginormous flakes...I am on a quest!
yea! ginormous snowflakes! i'd love that! i'm so annoyed at our boring winter weather here. it's just not cold enough and i'm so ready for a snow-fix. the last time it snowed in davis was the first day of my driver's ed in high school and i don't have to tell you, that was a long time ago! my feet got really cold when i had to work my flintstone mobile.
It turnd out great! I love the mittens too.
I will have to check that website out.
You are on facebook? I just joined a while back.
Becca - the photo of you needs to be in a knitting magazine - I love it! I think you need to impart some of your creativity on me :)
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