The first box for my square foot garden is in!
Those little plants you see are tomatoes and peppers that I started from seed indoors. (Pay no attention to all those nasty weeds. They will be gone soonly and covered with weed barrier and gravel.) I'm quite happy I've actually kept them alive all this time. I don't think I've ever grown anything from seed. There are also some beans and carrots planted in there, too. Not sure how they'll do though. (I used the short and fat variety of carrots because the bed is only 6 inches deep.)
I've also started cucumbers (pickling & slicing) and melons a few days ago indoors and some of the cucs are already sprouting! I soaked the seeds first so I'm thinking that's the trick. I'm determined to make the cucumbers work because it was quite the fiasco trying to find pickling cucumbers at the farmers markets around here.
And here's a new addition to our backyard family -- a Sunburst Honeylocust tree. A gift from my parents! I'm hoping it will grow super fast because we are in desperate need of shade.
I leave you with this little delight. It was in my backyard when I came home from Powell. My mom is the best :) Isn't the fat, little bird just so sweet?
You are so cute! I've tried growing herbs from seed but it didn't work. Except for the mint. And that stuff lasts through EVERYTHING.
Your garden looks great.
impressive garden, beautiful tree! :)
I'm in the market for cheap planters or creative junk-turned planters. Any ideas?
You need to hang with my mom. She is the queen of creative junk turned planters and backyard decor. I'd suggest going to thrift stores or even antique stores for cheap planters. I'll keep my eyes out. For my garden boxes james just used 2x6's and we put weed barrier on the bottom and then filled it them with dirt...
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