Last year I knit myself a new hat for the new year. I decided to continue the tradition and finished off this fashionable hat last week. I tried to give it away because I didn't like it on my noggin', but no takers. So I tried my head once more and I actually do like it now. (I apologize for such a crappy pict, but I wanted to get this posted. I'll try to get some better shots later.) The free pattern is here from knitandtonic.
- To pound out debt! We've set out to really work on this this year and can do it if we stay focused. We don't have much debt compared to the national average, but enough to prevent us from getting ahead. And with James starting school this month it's a must. After a recent generous gift, we've already paid off one MAJOR one. We've also taken some small steps to continue to help us get ahead. Like... cancelled the cable (yes sadly this means no more Martha, Catherine Tate or dvr-ing the beloved Office--I'm sure we'll survive), drained and unplugged the electricity eating hot tub, put a smaller heater in the pond, completely stopped using credit cards (we rarely use them, but totally committed to stop using them after our Chicago trip), hand made most of our Christmas and birthday gifts for friends (jam, aprons, soap, knitted items, framed pictures for family Lisa took of us...etc.) , been very, very frugal on our grocery, clothing, and entertainment without feeding into a spirit of poverty (hard to do!) and if I can find a second job worth the gas and time, I'll be doing that too. So hopefully by O-10 (I've decided to dub 2010 that), I'll be reporting some fantastic news.
- James and I are also committing to really work on our health this year. We're both pretty healthy, but miserably overweight. We have a trip with L & L planned to Lake Powell in May and want to be able to keep up with them and of course for all the pictures that come along with vacationing, since you live in your swimming suit on the lake! (I'm so, so excited! Seriously Powell is my favorite vacation spot--ever! But more on that later...) The whole health thing came about after a year of just feeling, well... fat and outta shape and recent pictures have horribly proven the point. We've both struggled with weight all our lives and tried several times to get in shape, but never at the same time and with so much determination, so I'm hoping we'll be successful this time round. I'll keep you posted...hopefully this blog will also keep me accountable so be warned, I'll probably talking about it a lot.
- As I said my James will be going back to school beginning this month studying Business Administration. Yea! I'm so proud of him. He loves to learn and I believe this will really be good for him. He's excited too.
- I also hope to start a good garden in the spring. I'd like to do a ton of canning this Summer, but would like to can some of my own produce. Pickling cucks, tomatoes, and beans are at the top of the list. The jam was a hit this year for Christmas gifts and I'd like to be able to get a good storage of canned goods going.
- I'd like to master the art of marshmallow making. Yes, marshmallows people. I set out to try around Christmas but didn't have a whisk attachment to my second-hand mixer. I'll have to either borrow one or maybe the coveted Kitchenaid will mysteriously arrive on my doorstep. Hey, it's possible. Stranger things have happened around here.
- I'd like to do more charity knitting this year starting with HELPSudan. They are looking for knitted pencil cases. You can read more here on Wendyknits (a great blog if you are a knitter and a cat fan).
- I hope to blog more and take better pictures. My little camera is limited so it's a good challenge. A used Nikon D70, 80 or 90 is on my wish list...right under the Kitchenaid of course. Oh and lessons on how to use wanted camera.
- More creativity is on the list too. I'd like to make some pieces (embroidered, painted, collage, paper cuttings, etc.) for some of our bare walls. I'm really desiring art pieces that say "us". Which I think I can start on because we've been "us" for a few years now and I'm hoping to capture it.
That's it! Be prepared to hear more about my adventures. Oh and here's a fat little blackbird I saw at Costco yesterday. He begged for me to take his picture.

To all of you, may 2009 be your best year thus far and may God be big in all your lives!
i know an excellent marshmallow maker and her name is vivien. you should snag her the next time we're there and she can teach you the secret to her magic marshmallows.....oooo, oooo, oooo, they're fabulous!
also, are you talking about a kitchenaid stand-mixer?
Yes, a kitchenaid stand mixer. That is correct. Ooooo I would love a pro's tips to marshmallows!
becca, i'm emaling you about this....
Good job with the debt thing. Are you guys doing the Dave Ramsey method? He is a good one to read and listen to.
My brother got a kitchenaid for Christmas-My brother! He is a better cook than me.
I love the hats.
And that black bird is cute.
I think we will be ditching the cable/dvr soon too. Until then, you guys should come over for the Office.
I think I want to try out the pencil cases. Thanks for the link.
Yes, we are following the Money Makeover book with Dave Ramsey. I think our church is doing a Financial Peace University soon too and we will most likely take the course.
Coming over for the office would be nice thanks! We could knit together then too!
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